Calling All Wellness Entrepreneurs: Grow Your Health and Wellness Brand with a Profitable Podcast that Connects You with Your Dreamiest Clients, Week After Week.
Join the Profitable Wellness Podcast Program today and learn our step-by-step framework to plan, launch and market your 6-figure+ wellness podcast, so that you can start bringing in highly-aligned organic leads ... all in 30-days or less.
As a busy wellness entrepreneur, functional medicine practitioner, health coach, naturopathic doctor or psychotherapist are you ...

  • Tired of spinning your wheels trying to figure out the best strategies for marketing and selling your offers
  • ​Avoiding "being seen" in your wellness business and not fully confident to step into the role of "face of your business" 
  • Seeking easy-to-implement marketing system that will reduce the time you spend on content creation and let you focus on the parts of your business that you love?
  • ​Looking for insight on how to create content that truly resonates with your ideal clients?
  • ​Ready to ditch creating gone-in-a-day IG reels or trying to avoid dancing on TikTok and finally focus on a content-creation strategy that builds real relationships with your dreamiest clients?

FACT: I'm encouraging (ok, low-key beggingall of my wellness brand strategy clients that want to scale to multiple 6-figures and beyond to start a branded podcast.

Here's why ...

Over 60% of U.S. consumers listen to podcasts, and that number grows every year. 

The parasocial nature of podcasting helps to create stronger relationships with an audience than email newsletters, digital ads, or most other forms of marketing. By sharing industry insights and actionable tips with their listeners each and every week, entrepreneurs establish themselves as experts in their niche, leading to more brand awareness, more trust, and more sales.  
🤯 Did you have to rub your eyes and look again at that stat like I did?

That's a lot of potential smart and savvy people with your voice in their airpods, listening to your message and learning with you. 

See, trust and credibility are absolutely essential when it comes to attracting clients to your private practice, group coaching, or online programs. 

I belive that podcasting is the natural next step in the evolution of your wellness brand because it allows you to create an organic, intimate, and ongoing relationship with your ideal clients. 

Hosting a weekly podcast will help you reach and nurture new audiences that may be the perfect fit for your group coaching and DIY programs, allowing you to scale your business far beyond your 1:1 capacity.

See, there's a good reason why so many wellness entrepreneurs are adding "Podcast Host" to their resumes

Podcasting is one of the most powerful and reliable ways to nurture strong relationships with your ideal clients, allowing you to build brand authority and sell your offers with more ease. 

Every year, media groups like Statistica, Triton Digital, and Edison Research run digital media surveys to measure trends, understand listener behavior, and track podcast growth worldwide 

​• Over 60% of U.S. consumers listen to podcasts, and that number grows every year. 

• 35-54 are monthly podcast listeners (the most popular age group for podcast consumption).

• Each week, more Americans listen to podcasts than have Netflix accounts.

• 80% of listeners listen to all or most of every podcast episode they start.

That’s just listenership and demographics, but it gets even more compelling when you dive into the marketing and purchasing power side of podcasting. 

Podcasting is a highly effective marketing tool for wellness entrepreneurs looking to grow their reach.

Here’s how podcast stacks up as an advertising platform 

• 60% of podcast listeners have bought something from a podcast ad.

• 72% of listeners who have listened to a podcast for four or more years have purchased a sponsored ad.

• 69% of respondents say podcast ads increase their awareness of products, brands, and services.

• 81% say they pay attention to podcast ads more than they do to radio, TV commercials, billboards, and even digital ads on social media.

• Ad revenue from podcasting is projected to exceed $2 billion in 2025.
The top 5% wellness entrepreneurs are implementing a secret to the most powerful relationships with their audiences and future customers.

And I'm busting the doors wide open. 

For years, I've personally consulted, strategized and built brands with some of the smartest, most heart-centered and financially abundant wellness entrepreneurs and podcasting is THE strategy that I'm recommending to them all

In fact, our team is so in love with the power of podcasting, that in 2022 we expanded our multi 6-figure branding agency and started our own podcast production agency, just so that we can help more wellness entrepreneurs launch their shows
See, there are two issues that almost all wellness entrepreneurs share ... 

 1. Confusion over which marketing and content creation strategies to follow.  
2. Lack of confidence translating their depth of knowledge and training into digestable, relatable content.

Podcasting helps solve both

In the Profitable Wellness Podcast Program I'll show you how. 

*Pinky Promise*

The Profitable Wellness Podcast Program was designed for wellness entrepreneurs just like you (even if you're introverted - just like me! 🥳)

Designed with intention for functional medicine practitioners, health coaches, naturopathic doctors, integrative physicians, and other wellness professionals, the Brand Better® Profitable Wellness Podcast Program is a holistic, step-by-step framework that will help you create, launch, and market your profitable wellness podcast — with no experience necessary! 

You don’t need to be a tech genius or TED Talk veteran to have a high-quality podcast that offers real value to your listeners. Our signature Profitable Wellness Podcast Program is a step-by-step framework that takes the guesswork out of producing and growing your profitable wellness podcast, guiding you through the process from ‘idea’ to ‘iTunes New and Noteworthy’ with more ease, less overwhelm… and even a bit of fun! 

Through our comprehensive program, you’ll learn how to plan, launch, produce, market and scale a weekly podcast that reliably fills your 1:1 practice and group programs and positions you as the expert in your niche, using the same strategies, tools, and templates that we use to support our own podcast production clients.

In this program, you'll learn how to …
Create purposeful content that is always aligned with your goals.
Your podcast is a powerful tool for growing and scaling your business. When done right, each episode will serve your specific goals, such as building your thought leadership, booking your practice solid, or filling your online program, through strategic topic selection, guest interviews, collaborations, and calls-to-action — and without any uncomfortable or pushy sales tactics.
Build and nurture connections with more intention.
Having a successful podcast doesn’t require an enormous worldwide listener base. It requires building relationships, trust, and credibility with your most ideal clients. With each episode, you will meet them where they are and offer tailored insights that help them live their most vibrant lives, giving them a taste of what it’s like to work with you and creating meaningful touchpoints in between your course launches or coaching sessions. An engaged audience of even 100 listeners can lead to more sales calls, more bookings, and more positive word-of-mouth.
Show up as the face of your business without overwhelm.
Someone needs to show up as the face (or voice) of your business, and no one is more qualified than you to fill that role. Podcasting generally requires a lower financial investment and less time commitment than creating video content — you don’t even need to change out of your PJs or brush your hair. For introverted wellness professionals, podcasting can be far less intimidating than launching a YouTube channel or creating Reels or TikToks. (As introverts ourselves, we can vouch for that!)
Simplify your process and get better results with less stress. 
With our batch content creation system, you’re only required to be “on” once or twice per month, allowing you to spend the rest of your time serving your clients, fine-tuning your offers, or just enjoying some much-needed rest and relaxation! Our system is simple and repeatable, and can easily be handed off and managed by a virtual assistant (or a team of professionals, like the podcast experts at Brand Better®). Best of all, your podcast will generate a reliable stream of weekly content that you can effortlessly repurpose for your newsletter, blog, YouTube channel, and social media.
Invest in content creation without an expiration date.
Unlike the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it half-life of Instagram posts, the podcast episodes that you create today will continue to serve your business for years to come. Many listeners don’t consume podcasts linearly, but seek out individual episodes on topics they’re curious about — new listeners will continue to stumble upon your older episodes, as long as the content is relevant to their needs.
Discover a marketing strategy infused with joy.
You started your business because you’re passionate about your area of expertise. You enjoy sharing your knowledge and helping your clients reach their biggest and most meaningful wellness goals. Podcasting offers you the incredible opportunity to do both of these things on a wider scale, while gently and organically selling your offers and building your wellness expert brand. 
Before enrolling in Profitable Wellness Podcast

Not being seen as an industry leader or not reaching the clients you WANT to work with

 Confusion over how to translate your depth of knowledge into digestable, relatable content

A lackluster mailing list that rarely converts

Spending more time on content creation than serving your clients

Wasting valuable time on multiple social platforms or ads that don’t convert

Discomfort or uncertainty when selling your offers

Hitting capacity on your enthusiasm for creating gone-in-a-day IG reels or avoiding dancing on TikTok and ready to finally focus on a content-creation strategy that builds real relationships with your dreamiest clients! 
After enrolling in Profitable Wellness Podcast

Greater confidence in your expert branding and positioning

Clear and simple content creation and marketing plan instead of throwing spaghetti at the wall

Confidence in your relationship-building, interviewing and public speaking skills

Stronger leads and aligned sales calls

Greater clarity and ease in your sales process

More ideas of how to monetize your expertise and diversify your income stream

A profitable business asset that you can utilize for sponsorships and affiliate relationships and opportunities 
The Profitable Wellness Podcast Curriculum
Discovering your inner “rockstar host” 
If you aren’t used to public speaking, or don’t like the way you look on camera or sound on audio, you may need a little help tapping into your inner rockstar podcast host. This module is designed to help you become more comfortable behind the mic and in front of the camera, allowing you to not only record your podcast audio with more confidence, but to upload video excerpts of your recording sessions to social media or YouTube for promotion. 

You’ll discover mindfulness techniques that will train your brain and nervous system that it’s “safe” to market and sell, mini-masterclasses that will boost your on-air and on-screen confidence, and the secret to becoming a powerful content creator even when you’re a total introvert.

  •  Mastering your camera set-up and audio tools for fearless content creation
  •  Developing your thought leadership and building a bold and compelling wellness expert brand
  •  Creating an aligned and effective visibility plan that lets you create with confidence
  • ​A powerful confidence-building meditation and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping routine
Planning your 6-figure podcast
Before you can start recording or promoting your podcast, you need to know what it’s all about — and, of course, come up with a name! By the end of this module, you’ll uncover your podcast’s purpose, concept, and unique selling proposition; understand your brand story and voice; have a podcast description and weekly content plan; identify your ideal audience, and; learn the SEO basics that will help you reach them. 

  •  Building an intentional and aligned podcast profit plan
  •  Determining the optimal length, structure, and frequency of your episodes
  •  Mapping out your weekly content and show notes
  • ​Creating a robust marketing and social media plan
  • ​Identifying your best-fit podcast keywords 
Setting up your show for success
Building a rock-solid foundation for your podcast will help you grow more quickly with less overwhelm! In this module, you’ll discover your best first steps, including our tried-and-tested recommendations for podcasting equipment and tools, a masterclass in creating branded podcast artwork and captivating social media graphics, and a complete and easy-to-follow guide to podcast administration set-up, from your recording platform to your guest speaker forms to your transcript generation.

  • Deciding what to DIY and what you should hand off to professionals
  •  Crafting effective and compelling calls-to-action
  •  Selecting your intro and outro music and setting it up on your editing platform
  • ​Producing your first three episodes and podcast trailer
  • ​Adding your show to distribution channels like iTunes / Apple podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher
Producing your weekly show
Now that you’ve identified your target audience, established your podcast goals, and sorted out your tools and equipment, it’s time to build out your editing workflow. This module covers the nuts and bolts of weekly podcast production, laying out each step between plugging in your microphone and promoting your finished episodes. You’ll learn how to record your intro, outro, and episode content (solo or with a guest), how to edit and finalize your episodes, and how to publish or schedule your episode for distribution

  •  Generating attention-grabbing audiograms to promote episodes on social media
  •  Producing polished show notes that can be effortlessly repurposed as blog posts
  •  Creating and scheduling social media and mailing list content to boost listenership
  • ​Using a podcast tracker sheet to gather key episode information and metrics
  • Bonus workflow templates for Asana and Google Sheets
Marketing your podcast
Get ready to dive into the world of marketing, funnels, and Facebook Ads. From warming up cold audiences to soliciting high-quality reviews from listeners to claiming a coveted spot on the iTunes New and Noteworthy chart, this module is packed with proven tips and techniques for growing your subscriber base steadily and strategically. 

  • 27 innovative ways to get new listeners for your show
  • Understanding and tracking your key metrics and marketing links
  • Bonus step-by-step framework for setting up Facebook and Instagram ads using engaging micro-content
  • Bonus guide to creating an aligned lead magnet and marketing funnel for your show
Pitching guests, building relationships, and attracting powerful affiliates and sponsors
It takes a village to create a truly successful and profitable wellness podcast. This module will teach you how to strengthen your relationship with your listeners, grow a loyal community around your podcast, connect and collaborate with influencers in your niche, and leverage your audience to gain valuable promotional opportunities. You’ll learn where to find your perfect podcast guests, how to land them with ease, and how to bring out their best during your interviews — and to top it all off, we’ll give you a follow-up email sequence that will make them feel like rockstars and have them eager to return for future episodes!

  •  Creating a professional podcast media kit that positions you as a leader in your niche
  •  Finding and pitching the right guests for your audience
  • ​Honing your interview skills and learning how to ask just the right questions
  • ​Identifying and negotiating high-value collaborations, feed drops, and cross-promotions
  • ​Attracting juicy affiliate and sponsorship opportunities that are aligned with your values
Join now and you’ll also get access to $988 worth of results-boosting bonuses totally FREE!
bonus #1
High-quality design templates
Professionally designed Canva templates that allow you to easily create beautiful, branded podcast artwork and eye-catching social media graphics, without starting from scratch or requiring any previous graphic design experience.

bonus #2
Productivity & content templates

  •  Podcast tracker
  •  Content planner
  • ​Plug-and-play templates for your show description, show notes, interview preparation, media kit, and episode trailer scripts
  • ​Plug-and-play email scripts for guest pitches, promotion, and reminders, as well as sponsor inquiries

bonus #3
Profitable wellness planning workbook
A digital workbook that will guide you through pinpointing your perfect micro-niche, developing your irresistible branding, mapping out your episode segments, and crafting your calls-to-action.

bonus #4
Visibility and confidence planning workbook
A digital workbook that will guide you through pinpointing your perfect micro-niche, developing your irresistible branding, mapping out your episode segments, and crafting your calls-to-action.

bonus #6
AI Guide to Prompts for Creating and Producing Your Own Podcast
A digital resource that will get you up and running using the power of ChatGPT or Gemini, with all of the AI prompts you'll need to launch your podcast in a fraction of the time. 


Having your own wellness podcast gives you a platform to gracefully and organically sell your offers, while providing value & without using any hard-sell tactics. 

It's also the easiest and most fun way we've found to sell organically - hands down.

The Profitable Wellness Podcast Program is an invaluable resource for creating a weekly podcast that will resonate with your dreamiest clients and help you fill your programs, scale your business, and build a wellness expert brand.
Your Investment $697 $397

We're already celebrating your new show's success + giving you 72 hours to lock in this awesome price!

"I had this really big aha moment where I saw exactly what I wanted to convey to my clients and it really changed the messaging that I was putting out in the world and it actually just all started to gel together so beautifully."
Rejuvenist Health
Is there any room left for my podcast, when so many others have already started theirs?
While there are a great number of podcasts currently available, audience appetite is still growing. A 2022 Statista study showed that 62% of U.S. consumers older than 12 are podcast listeners, a number that not only increases each year but has doubled over the past decade. Most of these listeners will tune into four or more podcasts each week, with nearly 20% listening to 6-10 different podcasts. 

While there may be several (or even several dozen) podcasts related to your field, each of these will take a distinct approach to their specific subject matter, just as yours will. Your podcast will share your perspective, explore your micro-niche, and speak directly to your ideal clients — it will offer unique value to your target audience. 
Hi! I’m Nicole Harlow.
CEO of the award-winning branding + podcasting agency
Brand Better®
Host of the iTunes Self-Help Top 50
Wealthy Wellness Biz Podcast

International bestselling author of 
BrandPOP© and Chakra Detox
Yoga teacher, health coach and founder
The Center for Menstrual & Sexual Health

Random bits
Introvert / INFJ / Emotional Manifesting-Generator / Enneagram 7 
Heart-centered entrepreneurs in the wellness space are more than just your typical biz owners. They provide vital, beautiful offers that empower their clients to live happier, healthier lives — but providing these services can often take a toll.

I get it. 

I’m a serial wellness entrepreneur (15 years and counting, baby!), wellness business strategist, branding expert and podcast producer who has spent more than a decade helping entrepreneurs launch and redefine wealthy wellness brands that magnetize motivated clients and build a dynamic legacy, through developing deep and powerful brand messages that resonate with their dreamiest clients and allow them to scale with unshakeable brand confidence.

I’ve built my own successful businesses in the women's health, health coaching, online education, and yoga spaces and I’m an online summit organizer for Wealthy Wellness Biz Live, Green Makeup Bag, and Profitable Virtual Wellness Business. I’ve been a featured speaker at Perfect Practice Live, Impact Lives, Planathon, and Done in a Day conferences for functional medicine practitioners and clinician entrepreneurs, and my work has been featured on NBC, Market Watch, CBS, FOX, USA Today,, and MindBodyGreen.
Helping wellness entrepreneurs launch profitable wellness podcasts is my passion and expertise.

I developed the Profitable Wellness Podcast to help business owners in the wellness space plan, launch, market and scale successful podcasts with more intention, more alignment, more ease, and irresistible results ... all while having LOTS of fun!  

Each element that I teach in the program is based on proven techniques that I’ve used to help my own clients clarify their goals, amplify their results, and boost and diversify their revenue streams, so that they can live a life of abundance instead of overwhelm.

Want to skip over the DIY completely and let our professional team launch your show? 

I like your style (that's usually where I'm at as a CEO, too ... "bring on the professionals!" is my typical mantra these days) 

We're holding a space in our 1:1 podcasting agency for you -- book a call with me here

We operate on an "it's okay to change your mind"philosophy.  That means: from the time you purchase this program, you'll have 30-days to test drive the program.  If at any point during that 30-days you change your mind, we will refund your investment - no questions asked. 

You've got questions, we've got answers

How long will I have access to the course and materials?

You will have lifelong access to the lessons through our online course platform. Our plug-and-play templates may be downloaded or saved to your Google Drive account, and our design templates may be saved to your Canva account. Your Profitable Wellness Planning Workbook can be downloaded to your computer and completed digitally, or printed out if you prefer the pen-and-paper approach (we do, too!).

What equipment or tools will I need to complete the course?

You don’t require any equipment to begin the course. During the planning and set-up modules, you’ll receive our honest and experienced recommendations for the equipment, tools, and platforms that you’ll need to plan, record, edit, host, and market your podcast. There are a number of free resources and tools available.

Are results guaranteed?

While we cannot guarantee any specific results, we can guarantee that each and every technique, tool, and strategy contained in the program has been used by our expert podcasting team to create and promote our Wealthy Wellness Biz podcast and the podcasts we support through our white-glove podcast production services. 

Still have questions?

Use the popup at the bottom of this page or email

Check out some of the brands that trust 
Brand Better

"Nicole was able to elevate our brand to be at a currency higher than what we even felt it was worth ourselves. We really needed someone to come in and really understand us to be able to clarify and to strategize the ideas that we already had. She was just so wide open. Her heart was open and her experience really stepped up to the plate, because she's so experienced and has such a wide vast of different hats that she has worn in her career really supported her in this journey with us and being able to build a brand that is so layered for us now but also has the potential to be many things in the future."
Stacey June - Broadcaster, author and founder of The Well
"When the world shut down, I was forced to be online. I was no longer able to be in rooms with people and so I know that when I get the opportunity to talk about who I am and what I do I know that it attracts people, but I really was forced online in a space that I'm not super comfortable with. I needed help really concisely and congruently create a message that was meaningful to the people that I best wanted to help and support. Doing it in a consistent, congruent way visually and from a branding perspective and with a messaging like, how can I best concisely convey who I am and who I want to help and support.

The results were instantly connecting me to my community in a meaningful way.
Dr. Tamara McIntyre - Chiropractic Mentor and founder of The Prana Foundation
"I encourage all of my mentorship clients to work with Brand Better because of their amazing work, their amazing insights in the wellness space and Nicole's background in the wellness space as well I think is truly helpful. Her heart really shows and the team's heart really shows and we've been very excited to encourage many of our colleagues to use their services and every single one of them so far has been very thrilled and excited and you know really amplified their message because they have more certainty in the brand they are putting out there."
Dr. Sachin Patel - Founder of Perfect Practice

Having your own wellness podcast gives you a platform to gracefully and organically sell your offers, while providing value & without using any hard-sell tactics. 

It's also the easiest and most fun way we've found to sell organically - hands down.

Offering a rich collection of plug-and-play templates and six comprehensive step-by-step modules, the Profitable Wellness Podcast Program is an invaluable resource for creating a weekly podcast that will resonate with your dreamiest clients and help you fill your programs, scale your business, and build a wellness expert brand.
Your Investment $697 $397

We're already celebrating your new show's success + giving you 72 hours to lock in this awesome price!

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